From: Mindy Chen-Wishart <>
To: Richard Peltz-Steele <>
CC: obligations <>
Date: 10/09/2018 15:07:12 UTC
Subject: Re: draft Chinese civil code in English?

I tried when I was in Beijing but was told by those working on it that it is still ‘confidential’ but that there will be a consultation stage when it will be made public- even then, not sure whether in English.
That was in April, perhaps its advanced since then.

Mindy Chen-Wishart

On 10 Sep 2018, at 22:44, Richard Peltz-Steele <> wrote:

If anyone has a line on an English translation of the draft China civil code (naturally especially sections on obligations, revising torts, according to Xinhua), please share for the good of the order.  

September greetings,
rick jps

Richard J. Peltz-Steele
<Outlook-1488826480.png> Professor, UMass Law School
<Outlook-1488826546.jpg> The Savory Tort  <Outlook-1488826563.jpg> @RJPeltzSteele <Outlook-1488826575.png> +1 508-985-1102